Our webinars on the leading Dutch providers KPN, VodafoneZiggo, Odido and Delta Fiber give you a clear view of the strategies and execution. How do these companies manifest themselves to their end users? What is the strategy for the coming years? Where do they stand in relation to their competitors? Our webinars on the Dutch Providers are always in English.



Twice a year we give updates on the performance for each of the leading Dutch providers: KPN, VodafoneZiggo and Odido. You can register for the upcoming events below. Earlier editions are available on demand. 

Speaker for Provider webinars

Tim Poulus

Tim Poulus has been an analyst at Telecompaper since November 2008. His primary focus is on financial analysis of the quarterly figures. Other specific areas of expertise of Tim are developments in next-generation networks and OTT video services. During major events in the media and telecoms sector Tim acts as one of the spokespersons for Telecompaper on radio and TV. Tim has been following the TMT market since 1999.



KPN successfully fended off takeover approaches from the likes of KKR, EQT and Stonepeak. However, this backfired and precisely those PE firms subsequently established and strengthened competitors in the fibre market: Delta Fiber and Open Dutch Fiber. Meanwhile, KPN lost its lead in mobile to Odido and in fixed to VodafoneZiggo. All the more reason therefore to tightly monitor the incumbent’s performance in the increasingly competitive Dutch market.

To make matters worse, a return of regulation through the assignment of significant market power (SMP) could be pending. In order to combat all these external forces, KPN successfully streamlined the company and will, for the foreseeable future, carry on its simplification strategy. Meanwhile, it increased the investment in fibre networks, in part via a joint venture with the APG pension fund.

In our semi-annual webinar, we discuss KPN’s operational and financial performance, in light of the ever changing market circumstances. Beyond this, we analyze the company’s strategy, as well as the impact that further market consolidation may have. 

15 MEI 2025

13 NOVEMBER 2025



VodafoneZiggo is the converged challenger on the Dutch market, as a result of a cable/mobile merger.

In our semi-annual webinar devoted to VodafoneZiggo, we start off with a discussion of the company’s performance, vis-à-vis its main competitors (KPN, Odido, Delta Fiber). Also, we will discuss its strategy, important market and sector trends and developments, as well as our take on its performance over the next few quarters and years.

  • VodafoneZiggo’s ownership has been steady since its formation on the last day of 2016. The Vodafone Group and Liberty Global each own 50 percent, with joint control. Ownership changes do not appear to be imminent, but we will discuss a number of likely scenarios.
  • Most important and underlying this issue could be VodafneZiggo’s roadmap for the medium and longer term. The deployment of Docsis 3.1 is  completed  but already (not least from competitive pressure from FTTH) the next step must be considered. Docsis 4 is optional but an FTTP based strategy is also possible.

These, and other issues, will be discussed in our 60 minute premium webinar.

13 MARCH 2025

21 AUGUST 2025


Delta Fiber is the result of a number of mergers and has now become the fourth largest operator in the Netherlands. The company profiles itself with a strategy around fiber optics. Not only is it renovating its existing networks, it is also installing fiber optic networks in rural areas throughout the Netherlands. And it is expanding geographically by building networks in small and medium-sized cores.
In addition to an overview of where the company currently stands, we offer: 
  • an analysis of the financial and commercial strategy.
  • What does this mean for the two market leaders, KPN and VodafoneZiggo?
  • What is the impact on the direct competitor, Odido?
  • And where will market relations and competitive response be in the Netherlands go in the coming years?

These, and other issues, will be discussed in our 60 minutes webinar.

19 JUNE 2025



Odido is the main challenger on the Dutch market, rivalled mainly by Delta Fiber in fixed and Youfone and Budget in the mobile space. It successfully managed to dethrone KPN as the leading MNO, but it is tougher to challenge Ziggo and KPN on the fixed-line market.

The company, over the years, absorbed Orange, Tele2 and Simpel and is now seeing its ownership change. Deutsche Telekom and Tele2 are selling to the private equity combo of APAX Partners and Warburg Pincus at a valuation of EUR 3.0 billion (EUR 5.1 billion including debt). International peers include Orange Belgium, Telefonica Deutschland, Salt (Switzerland), MasMovil (Spain) and Vodafone UK in that it combines a MNO with a virtual fixed-line operator.

Odido is deploying a ‘next-generation’ operating model: it owns no passive network elements, but does control active networks in mobile (nationwide RAN on Cellnex NL) and fixed (MDF/ODF on KPN, Primevest and Open Dutch Fiber, supplanted with a WBA deal with KPN).

An important question looming is: will the new owners change the company’s strategy? Will they be able to continue its success in mobile? And will they be able to provide meaningful competition on the fixed-line market? But also: how will the owners weigh extracting cash (dividends) versus investing, in order to increase te value of the company?

Odido’s operational and financial performance always are at the heart of our webinar coverage of the company. In addition, we discuss its strategy and our expectations for its performance going forward.

12 JUNE 2025


It is possible to listen to previous editions. You must register for all editions. With the BUY TICKET options, there is a charge for listening back. The LISTEN BACK option is free of charge.


02/05/2024 – Update on KPN; Strategy, Focus and challenges


13/09/2024 – Update on VZ; Strategy, Focus and challenges


12/09/2024 – Update on Delta Fiber; Strategy, Focus and challenges


24/06/2024 – Update on Odido; Strategy, Focus and challenges


09/11/2023 – Update on KPN; Strategy, Focus and challenges


30/11/2023 – Update on VZ; Strategy, Focus and challenges


20/06/2023 – Update on Delta FIber; Strategy, Focus and challenges


22/06/2023 – Update on T-Mobile; Strategy, Focus and challenges


09/02/2023 – Update on T-Mobile; Strategy, Focus and challenges


02/03/2023 – Update on VZ; Strategy, Focus and challenges


27/01/2022 – Update on Delta FIber; Strategy, Focus and challenges


20/10/2022 – Update on T-Mobile; Strategy, Focus and challenges


27/01/2022 – Update on Delta FIber; Strategy, Focus and challenges


21/10/2021 – Update on T-Mobile; Strategy, Focus and challenges


23/09/2021 – Update on VZ; Strategy, Focus and challenges


02/09/2021 – Update on T-Mobile; Strategy, Focus and challenges


25/03/2021 – Update on T-Mobile; Strategy, Focus and challenges


18/02/2021 – Update on KPN; Strategy, Focus and challenges


21/01/2021 – Update on VZ; Strategy, Focus and challenges

Consolidatie in NLD?

02/04/2020 – Staat de markt aan de vooravond van consolidaties?

Fusie T-Mobile + Tele2

04/10/2018 – Impact van fusie T-Mobile en Tele2 voor de markt.

More information?

We are, of course, happy to help with any questions you may have. Please drop us an mail (service@telecompaper.com) and we will get back to you as soon as possible.